All Door Accessories in Havířov


    The origins of wood working date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1957 there had been a company in Jihlava called Jihlavské dřevařské závody, which was behind the production of most flat doors in former Czechoslovakia. Another milestone in the company’s history is the year 1994, when Read more [...]


    The origins of wood working date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1957 there had been a company in Jihlava called Jihlavské dřevařské závody, which was behind the production of most flat doors in former Czechoslovakia. Another milestone in the company’s history is the year 1994, when Read more [...]


    Since the beginning of the last century we have been making perfectly crafted doors with the care and passion of real professionals. In order to accompany you for generations, our doors are subjected to rigorous testing. We at SAPELI believe that every customer will appreciate quality.

  • OBI Havířov

    Vítejte na webových stránkách společnosti OBI, jež je v Evropě jedničkou v oblasti stavebnin a potřeb pro kutily a domácnosti. Jako společnost s dominantním postavením mezi prodejnami podobného zaměření Vám zde nabízíme informace k nabídkám, službám, sortimentu, akcím a otevíracím dobám našich provozoven, stejně jako mnoho dalších zajímavostí. Na našich Read more [...]