sme společností zabývající se výrobou a dodávkami dveřních křídel. Naši prioritou je poskytnout kvalitní výrobek s maximálním servisem zákazníkovi. Naše práce je prověřena desítkami let v daném oboru. Současná ryze česká společnost CARMAN-DOORS se zabývá výrobou, prodejem a montáží interiérových, protipožárních a celodřevěných dveří. Součástí nabídky jsou i kování všech Read more [...]
All Door Companies in Ostrava
SEPOS, spol s r.o. is one of the leading sellers of doors and door frames in the Czech Republic. During the epoch of more than 25 years of doing business SEPOS has developed into a stable company and is still an object of remarkable evolution and development. Nowadays the number Read more [...]
The origins of wood working date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1957 there had been a company in Jihlava called Jihlavské dřevařské závody, which was behind the production of most flat doors in former Czechoslovakia. Another milestone in the company’s history is the year 1994, when Read more [...]
The origins of wood working date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1957 there had been a company in Jihlava called Jihlavské dřevařské závody, which was behind the production of most flat doors in former Czechoslovakia. Another milestone in the company’s history is the year 1994, when Read more [...]
The origins of wood working date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1957 there had been a company in Jihlava called Jihlavské dřevařské závody, which was behind the production of most flat doors in former Czechoslovakia. Another milestone in the company’s history is the year 1994, when Read more [...]